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Same...but different

Matt Ager

Assemblies have gone really well so far this Term, having completed 19 of them already! The message we've been communicating is how we are all the same when it comes to having air in our lungs and blood in our veins, yet beautifully unique when it comes to our own views, opinions and function. This is to be celebrated, not tolerated, by others - provided it's not offensive or unhelpful - so it's crucial that we share what we think. Why? Because it shows who WE are, what WE value and how WE tick. The exercise we use is calling out different flavours of crisps, getting students to stand up for their favourite. At the end, we highlight how they were happy to stand up for their flavour, regardless of if they were the only ones.

We share in the assembly how Jesus didn't choose 12 disciples because they were the holiest bunch or were destined to agree on everything - far from it in fact! BUT they had a common similarity, their love for Jesus, so any differences or disagreements would be diluted by their love and respect for each other. This is absolutely a trait lacking in today's society, where those who talk loudest for longest appear to have the overriding opinion which others must share.

The assembly has been well received and the students have been challenged to consider how they can approach the week differently when celebrating differences among their peers - how they can stand up for their 'flavour', despite being the only one. And, how they will regard those who are the minority too.

And so for us as Christians, there is also a challenge. When society conflicts with our beliefs, when our peers make comments that expect nods in agreement despite us disagreeing, what will we do about it? Speak up (for God), or stay quiet?


1 Peter 3:15-16 ESV

But in your hearts honour Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behaviour in Christ may be put to shame.

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