We have just secured a week of Anam Cara (our Reflection Room project) at Honywood next Summer! This is so exciting and we're looking forward to increasing our input in the school over the coming months.
Not too long ago, our work in the school was limited to assemblies. Now though, we are assisting with weekly mentoring sessions and this has helped share the work of Anam Cara.
We are so excited at spending more time in the school as a result, and being able to share Christian values in a relevant, non-preachy way next Summer.
Please pray for our preparation work with the school over the coming weeks, so that Anam Cara can be a massive success; and as ever, please pray for the young people who will be experiencing the project, that it will help destroy any issues with anxiety, self-esteem and past hurts, so that it will be a new season for them.