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The same body...

Matt Ager

It was a pleasure to have shared the work of CYO at Elim church in Braintree on Sunday. Such a super congregation, vibrant in worship and spirituality. A real family - we loved it!

As we wrapped up our presentation talking about everything we're getting up to as a charity, the Lord reminded me how we are all part of something huge. With all the congregations worshipping in Braintree alone on Sunday morning, it would have numbered in the several hundreds. All worshipping Him, breaking bread together, praying, being part of something so much bigger. What a treat.

We are so grateful to all the churches who 'get' CYO...we represent them the moment we step into a school. We are indebted to those who financially support us and enable us to afford staff and resources, but especially we are so thankful for those who pray for us every day. For me, that shows how much we are a family, despite having different postcodes or worship styles.

God, thank you so much for the privilege of being part of the biggest family on earth! Thank you for the opportunity to share CYO with our brothers and sisters; I pray that they will feel blessed when they see our healthy calendar and not be discouraged when the media suggest God doesn't fit into society any wrong they are! Thank you for the churches and individuals who support CYO in so many ways. Will you bless them as they bless us.

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07771 593506
St. Michael's Church House
St. Michael's Lane, Braintree, Essex, CM7 1HY
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Registered Charity, No. 1073418
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