We had a great time at Hedingham Sixth Form today, presenting Christian perspectives on a range of topics. It was a healthy opportunity for the students to see how Christians have different opinions on various elements of Christianity yet celebrate unity in their love for Christ, authenticity of His word and belief in eternal glory in Heaven.
The students asked us to stay for a further hour in their free period which was amazing(!), although not possible - but, we're looking forward to returning in a few weeks' time.
The largest part taken away from the lesson was how our belief in God relies entirely on faith. we cannot prove His existence, that He is the author of miracles in our lives, or that Jesus is indeed God in human form. Faith, it seems, it becoming an increasingly-harder concept as time progresses; as we expand our knowledge as a race and have access to instant information at our fingertips, there appears to be less dependency on faith, or perhaps less need to exercise faith.
Faith is like a muscle. for us as Christians, then, it's crucial that we exercise this muscle as much as possible. When we pray, let's pray believing God will answer. When we read far-fetched (in in society's eyes) accounts in the Bible, let us exercise faith that God made all of these things possible. And, let us have faith that friends, families and strangers we pray for and share our beliefs with will come to have a relationship of their own with the God who made them.
FAITH - Forsaking All, I Trust Him