We've just launched this half-term's assembly at Hedingham, centred on the theme of Unforgiveness.
With the help of a volunteer, a rucksack and a pile of bricks representing things we haven't forgiven in life, we show how carrying the weight of unforgiveness can be unbearable.
Unfortunately, Hollywood has presented an unrealistic perspective of forgiveness - we don't all embrace on a sandy beach, letting bygones be bygones! Many times, forgiveness is a journey which can cause a degree of hurt for a while. But, the outcome is far better than the other option.
We explain how forgiveness is a gift to those who are repentant...how lovely is it when we know we've been left off the hook for something we feel terrible about? It's trickier when we need to forgive someone who is unrepentant and doesn't want to be forgiven. We still need to do it though, otherwise it's like punching ourselves in the face hoping they will get the broken nose!
The story of Corrie Ten Boom is both incredible and inspiring - check it out here. It has served as a brilliant example of forgiveness, and how we need to reach a point where we can also recognise the beauty and release of forgiveness.
And finally, we explain how Christians believe they receive the beauty of forgiveness in Jesus, but we need to be first in forgiving others. Not easy, but if we want to be forgiven, it starts with us giving first.
It has gone well so far, so please pray that the assemblies continue to be well received in the other secondary schools.
Be kind and compassionate to one another,
forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32