We have kickstarted the year's assemblies with a bunch of optical illusions, each with more than one hidden image. It has been fun observing students adamant they can only see one image, but after some advice and explanation from their neighbours, their eyes then focus on another image. The subsequent "Oh, I can SEE it now!" is a treat...and there's the message!
We present the students with the possibility that there may be a different perspective to an argument or opinion, and that it's so healthy to step back from what we think is right and entertain the possibility that there may be another perspective.
When Mary washed Jesus' feet with a jar of perfume, most likely her life's savings, most of the onlookers considered it to be a real waste of money and an unnecessary gesture. Jesus encouraged them to take a step back and see a different perspective - a huge, selfless act of honour. Probably the only thing she had in life that was of worth (perhaps earned through an immoral lifestyle?), was spent in a matter of moments on someone she felt was worth immeasurably more to her. Simply, she couldn't put a price on knowing Jesus!
This week, let's pray for all the students we will see through CYO. Pray that each will get a chance to see a different perspective to areas they're struggling with, and that they will be able to step back and say "Oh, I can SEE it now!".
And for us, in our own walks with Jesus, may he grant us priceless moments where we see things from an entirely new angle...!