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Matt Ager

I had the privilege of taking a last-minute RE Lesson to Alec Hunter this afternoon. The theme was Creation and spent an hour answering a range of questions to do with the first part of Genesis. Over to you, would you have answered the following:

- With so much evidence validating Evolution, do you still believe Creation was as literal as laid out in the Bible?

- Do you believe Adam & Eve actually existed?

- If God is all-knowing, surely He would have known they were going to eat the forbidden fruit?

- How was God there 'in the beginning'? Who made Him?

From there, as it always tends to, the lesson moved on to talking about genuine faith and what it is to be a follower of Jesus in 2018. It was a pleasure to share my belief to an attentive, respectful bunch of young people , and I trust that they were able to leave with a more personal representation of Christianity as opposed to that which is found in a text book.

It was also a reminder for me that, while I've answered questions in hundreds of lessons over the last 20 years, it is healthy to revisit belief, seek God's will and ask Him to continue revealing Himself in scripture and the world around us. Bring on the next lesson..!

Father God, I thank you for the opportunity to share how You have changed my life; thank you for our education system and that young people are encouraged to explore faith and come to their own conclusions. Will you reveal yourself to those who ask to see you, and may Your presence be felt so tangibly. Amen..

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