This half-term's assemblies in the Secondary Schools are focusing on the age-old issue of keeping up with The Joneses. The Joneses have changed a little over the years; no longer are they the ones with the whiter net curtains or newer double-glazing. These days, The Joneses are uploading their latest selfies showing off an idyllic family holiday, or receiving dozens of likes for their latest status update.
Olive shared recently how some girls she mentors pull sickies when it's non-uniform day due to the stress of choosing the right (or wrong) outfits. After a little research in recent months, this is not an isolated case...and not just for the girls, either.
Back to the assembly, we show how comparing ourselves to others has existed since God first kicked off the human race. Whether it's competing with brothers for the crown, murdering best friends to marry their wives or scrubbing our front doorstep so it's more gleaming than the neighbours', comparison and competition is nothing new. But today, we're exposed to it so much that we can easily believe that we're sub-par, that we need that particular brand name. Or when our phone buzzes we must check to see if we've got as many likes as our friend who has got the perfect hair, the perfect life, the perfect EVERYTHING!
At the end of the assembly, we share how as Christians we believe that God made us...and He doesn't make mistakes! Once we believe that for ourselves, there's little room else for worrying what anyone else thinks! It's a great place to be...
Father God, we pray that this assembly hits the spot for those who need to hear it. And for those who have got it together and are unfazed by their status in society, may they be a life-changing influence to those who are! Amen.