As with most things in life, we tend to look forward to upcoming events that are rather big, or at least different to the norm. We're majorly excited about GSUS Live coming during the middle of March (dates below), and for the success of our treasure-hunting event on Easter Saturday in Braintree Town Hall. And while we prepare for both events by undergoing training, press-ganging volunteers and booking lessons, it's easy to miss a valuable factor...
This week has been pretty awesome too!
This week, we have had few assemblies (compared to the 17 we had a fortnight ago) and no projects running, so nothing overly exciting it would appear. But, this 'run of the mill' week has seen us mentor over 30 young people. Young people who may otherwise not have had anyone to speak to about a particular issue, or indeed had an opportunity to seek a way out of the dip they've found themselves in. We've also seen meetings take place so that assemblies for next term are planned and ready to go; we've just taken on a new volunteer to help with mentoring at a local school, such is the positive impact CYO is already making. And, we've seen a number of lunch clubs take place too, which have been a much-needed refuge for many young people and a source of discussion and friendship-making for others.
Just a normal week then, with so many opportunities to share, to grow, to learn, and to be Jesus to the person in front of us.
Please do pray for our upcoming projects, the big events that are going to make their impact in the coming weeks. Pray that they go well, that they have the desired effect and pave the way for more schools work in the future. But, please remember to soak in prayer the 'normal weeks' too. They're far from normal anyway!