Well, GSUS Live is now over. For the past four weeks, we have visited schools in Halstead, Hedingham, Coggeshall and Braintree with the interactive classroom, sharing the good news of Jesus with over 2,000 students!
A ton of questions have filled the experience as well, including:
-Why does God allow good people to suffer?
-What is the Christian view of Transgenderism?
-Do Christian have to forgive?
-Does God answer all prayers?
-Will God forgive you if you have an abortion?
-Who made God?
-With Science pointing at Evolution, do you still believe in Creation?
-Are there any parts of the Bible you don't believe?
It has been such a privilege to be a part of things and to hear so many students sharing how the experience has made a positive impression on them. As ever, we never preach...we just share. We share what we believe, encourage students to establish their own beliefs and join the schools in providing opportunities to give every young person the chance to choose.
Thank you to those who prayed and supported the project in so many ways - you're all wonderful! Please continue to pray for the thousands of young people who experienced GSUS Live, that those who questioned life and asked God to reveal Himself to them will be blown away by His presence and authenticity over the coming weeks.
It's time for a well-earned rest now and we trust you will all have a pleasant and peaceful Easter time.