Okay, so it's not officially Summer yet as far as the WHSmith diaries are concerned. In school terms though, it is now the Summer Term - and the aircon has been on once already, so in my book we're virtually tropical! Is it just me, or do people seem to be in better moods when the Sun's out? Perhaps Seasonal Affective Disorder is hibernating, or maybe folk are appreciating the outdoors and all that nature has to offer. Whatever the reason, I'm certain there is more love going on right now....! Summertime - whenever we think it starts - appears to bring out the best in us.
The church I go to is challenging us to 'be Jesus to the person in front of us'...by the way we act towards them, by what we say and in how we share the good news of Jesus without uttering a word. When we look at the implications of this, it can produce breathtaking results. If The Sun can positively impact our attitude and behaviour toward others, how much more can The Son make a difference...?
We pray that God will use us in similarly powerful ways this Summer Term in the local schools; may He go before us, be in the words we utter and surround all of our actions, so that we can show His love to all around us. We pray that this will be God's season in the schools - with lots of smiles!