Oct 15, 2018Mentoring [2] - But are we serving God?In the beginning, we did question whether mentoring should be added to our list of schoolswork activities. Largely, because mentoring is...
Oct 8, 2018Mentoring - Cheap labour?In 2006, I attended a three-day course led by Youth For Christ on student mentoring. At the time it was suggested that this was going to...
Jan 31, 2017Sometimes, we just don't fit.In all the work we do, one thing in particularly stands out: none of us are the same. I know, it seems a pretty obvious statement, but I...
Sep 26, 2016Mentoring [2] - But are we serving God?In the beginning, we did question whether mentoring should be added to our list of schoolswork activities. Largely, because mentoring is...
Sep 19, 2016Mentoring [1] - Cheap labour?In 2006, I attended a three-day course led by Youth For Christ on student mentoring. At the time it was suggested that this was going to...