Christian Youth Outreach.
Charity No.1073418 • 07771 593506 •
Serving schools in the Braintree & Halstead areas,
giving every young person the chance to choose
About us.

We are passionate about giving every young person the chance to choose by supporting schools in helping them to meet the moral, cultural and spiritual needs of their young people through a variety of services.
...and surrounding villages
There is a bit of a clue in our charity name about what drives us...we are inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus and our desire for every young person to be who they want to be, regardless of age, gender, race, orientation or belief.
We are made up of a team of primary & secondary school workers and an army of volunteers.
We don't preach.
We don't proselytise.
We provide a number of services to live out our vision to give every young person the chance to choose. Keep scrolling for more info
What we do.

Click or tap each tile to discover more about each area...

Support Us.
This is the most powerful form of support we receive - and anyone can do it! We have a half-termly newsletter with all the work you can pray for...just get in touch to join the mailing list.
And thank you!

This is the most powerful form of support we receive - and anyone can do it! We have a half-termly newsletter with all the work you can pray for...just get in touch to join the mailing list.
And thank you!

Church reps, mentors, extra hands during projects, gophers...
We have plenty of opportunities for people to get involved in the work of CYO.

Church reps, mentors, extra hands during projects, gophers...
We have plenty of opportunities for people to get involved in the work of CYO.

We've loved working in all the schools this term...but it's always nice to know if we can afford to go in again next term.
PLEASE join our team of regular supporters - as little as you can spare will make a huge difference for us.

We've loved working in all the schools this term...but it's always nice to know if we can afford to go in again next term.
PLEASE join our team of regular supporters - as little as you can spare will make a huge difference for us.

Contact Us.